La ménopause - bouffées de chaleur

The Menopause

A natural physiological process, menopause occurs around age 50.

In the ovaries, the follicles (small sacs that contain the eggs and which secrete hormones at each cycle after releasing the egg) shrink and no longer play their role.
This leads to a reduction and then the lack of oestrogen and progesterone, hormones which intervene in numerous metabolisms. This reduced level of hormones causes changes in a woman’s entire body.
The direct consequence is the stopping of menstruation and thus the loss of fertility. It is often preceded by a period of time known as the perimenopause, of variable duration, during which the reduction in hormones leads to a range of symptoms.

Numerous disturbances

Oestrogen hormones play a role in thermoregulation (the mechanism whereby the body maintains a constant temperature). A reduction in these hormones is what causes hot flushes. These uncomfortable sensations generally start at the chest and face and then spread, accompanied by sweating, palpitations, shivering and anxiety. They last several minutes and can appear several times a day. Hot flushes can occur in an irregular way for many years.

Menopause - hot flushes

The reduction in oestrogen accelerates the demineralisation of the bones leading to osteoporosis. 

Fragile bones cause vertebral compression and the occurrence of spontaneous fractures, notably in the wrist. The body adjusts. The breasts are transformed, becoming more fatty. This is the time of the onset of weight gain.

The skin thins and dries out, losing its elasticity. The hair will start to fall out, losing its thickness and lustre. By contrast, the appearance of facial hair, especially on the upper lip, becomes more frequent.

Other symptoms may appear around this time, such as night sweats, insomnia, joint pain and urinary issues. Approximately two thirds of women are affected by these unpleasant symptoms, to varying degrees.

The menopause can also affect mood. Sexual hormones acting on the brain control both emotions and behaviour.

The end of oestrogen production is also a risk factor for cardiovascular illness. These hormones play a role in metabolising fats and insulin and act on blood vessel walls. Without oestrogen the arteries become more rigid, which promotes atherosclerosis, and cholesterol and fats increase.

Luxopuncture, a precious ally

During this time luxopuncture can offer precious help since it is a natural way for the body to mitigate some of these disturbances: the frequency and intensity of hot flushes and sweats, and a clear improvement in sleep patterns, in mood and overall bodily wellbeing.

Moreover, luxopuncture carries no medical risk or undesirable side effects. It is not known to interfere in any way with ongoing medical treatments. It is a complementary method of treatment.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with me to find out more.

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